PROSHIKA Training Programme

Proshika Training Programme

Proshika organise two categories training for development managers and workers on Human development and practical skill development training at Proshika HRDC Trust. The two, however, cover fairly broad areas and are sufficiently flexible to accommodate a wide range of courses. Proshika organizes the following human development and practical skill development training courses-

  1. A second item
  2. Sustainable Development Strategies and Poverty Eradication
  3. Training of Facilitators (TOF)
  4. Logical Framework Approach (LFA)
  5. Right Based Development Approach (RBA)
  6. Behavior Change Communication (BCC)
  7. Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
  8. Project Management
  9. Governance and Local Government
  10. Leadership and Team Building
  11. Project Monitoring and Evaluation
  12. Women in Management
  13. Policy Advocacy
  14. Strategic Planning
  15. Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)
  16. Gender and Development
  17. Organizational Development Management
  18. People's Theatre
  19. Health and Nutrition Education
  20. Credit, Savings and Financial Management of Development Activities
  21. Teachers' Training on Non-Formal Primary Education
  • Ecological Agriculture and Project Management
  • Irrigation and Tilling Technology Service and Management
  • Technology on Livestock Husbandry and Treatment
  • Apiculture and Project Management
  • Sericulture and Project Management
  • Fish Culture and Project Management
  • Prawn Culture and Management
  • Aquaculture and Open Water Fisheries Management
  • Environmental Friendly Rural Housing Technology
  • Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Technology
  • Arsenic Detection in Tubewell Water and Removal System
  • Social Forestry and Project Management,
  • Homestead Gardening and Project Management
  • Advance Course on Seed Production Technology
  • Training on Primary Participatory Video Production
  • Basic Course on Computer Training